Hey everyone. It's me. I'm back again, and with GREAT news! My prom shirt, which I wore to last year's prom around the december time period, didn't fit me for a long long time afterwards.Well upon trying it on a few days ago, I found something amazing...IT FITS! I can button it and everything! Now the only thing I need to do is get it to fit and make it look good.Meaning I have to lose my big belly first. Yes my belly is slimming little by little, but it still needs work.So the exercise thing isn't going so well lately. I've been making excuses again, saying I've got too much homework or that it's too late. Well screw that! I'm done doing that. I want to be happy! To do so, and stop making excuses I've set apart a time of day where I'm going to do nothing else, and at that exact time of day is when I'll work out. No matter what else I have going on, I'll stop and do that. Period. The end. Good bye.That way, even if I'm busy, I can say to myself "Hey. Bitch. It's about that time. Get steppin ho." Anyway, after finding out that I had lost weight, and that my prom shirt from last fit me I went downhill from there. You see my best friend Tarin just recently got dumped (again) by her (ex) boyfriend David. It's so sad. She was so heartbroken. Tarin never cries and she was balling over the phone to me. I (being the good friend that I am) went out and bought a bunch of chocolate, gathered up my grunge clothes and chick flicks, and headed that way. But she called me while I was coming over there, and said that she didn't feel up to hanging out that night (basically bailing on me for the second time in a ROW) and asked if I was doing anything the next day. I said that it was my Dad's mother's birthday and that we couldn't hang out (which we couldn't)So now, all that's left of ALL of that chocolate is a big half pound bar of Hersheys...which I sealed with a note and a ribbon to give to her at school tomorrow. I feel horrible because I ate all of that chocolate...BUT I am proud because I didn't eat birthday cake or ice cream, and only ate a small Mcdonalds fries on the way to Topeka.But if I want to keep fitting into that shirt, or even fitting into it better, I've gotta get my groove thing on and do the damn thing. The problem, is those darn miniature snack bags of chocolate that they have. Their so inticing. With their small sizes......they think they're sooo cute. You eat one, and you promise yourself that's ALL. But...then...you find the bag has magically reopened itself on your desk and another mini chocolate has popped out and then into your mouth.*sigh*Just know that I'm still working at it, and will get to my goal eventually.Promise.-J-
Je suis Fatty Gay. That title is part french, part homo-eccentric! Jack (Sean Hayes) From Will & Grace said that when he was complaining his gym found about his fake membership and he hadn't worked out in two days. "I get really big if I don't work out, I swear! My family stores more fat than otters." he sighs, "Je suis Fatty Gay" a pun on the french saying "Je suis Fatigue." Which means I have fatigue, or I am fatigued. So anyway, I've started this blog because I thought it would be a great way to re-energize my work out life. I know that sounds a lot like re-energize my sex life should go there, but whatev. Though this is a work out blog, I want it to be fun and interesting for my readers, and I believe that in order to do that, I must try different exercise methods, such as: Pilates, Tae-bo, Carmen Electra's Strip Aerobics, etc. If I did not have this approach I'd basically be logging in my man hours on the tread-mill and I really don't think you'd want to read anything about that! I'll be updating every two weeks, each time either with a new exercise program, or a health tip I've found online, until I can find a new exercise program. For this weeks rendition of my exercise I decided to try out Zumba. It's supposed to be this fun, hip way to learn latin dances and exercise at the same time. So I got excited thinking that this was going to be fun, and soon I'd be able to dance like a true Dirty Dancing Havannah Nights extra...alas, no such luck. As soon as I popped in the tape I felt a sense of misery as I heard the instructors introduce themselves in a hard-to-understand latin accent. But I thought I could get over that and just enjoy myself. Wrong again.Each step took about 10 minutes minimum to learn, and there was more than ten steps, so doing the calculations, I'd have to spend a little over an hour just learning basic moves, when I don't really have time for that. OH Stop that! You know that you like to just hop on the treadmill, log your 30 minutes in and be done with it! So I would think a program would be able to do the same. Sure I don't expect learning it to be a complete and total breeze, but I expect to be able to learn it in one session so that next time I am ready to just get right into the exercise they're teaching. (i.e. Carmen Electra Strip Aerobics, which I will review later)In conclusion for that exercise program, let's just say I'd rather be fat than do that. hmm...kinda has a nice ring to it...lol. Ok so I guess I have my first catch phrase! If I don't like something, at the end of my review for it, I'll say "I'd rather be fat than do that!" and if I like it I'll say, "I want to do that, to lose this fat." or something along those lines.Well I hope you've all learned something here today. Look for my next review and update sometime in a month or two. Meanwhile, I guess I can post inspirational stories and/or pictures for your pleasure and entertainment. I have to do something to keep peeps interested!!!Love you all,A Fat Gay.