This is just a journal I've started to log my exercising adventures. I'll be sure to add pics, and stories, to keep myself motivated, and my readers interested.
Friday, April 04, 2008
Work Out Regime, Day 2: No Pain, No Gain

Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Work Regime, Day 1.

Hello...to...anyone who's reading this. Not that I really think there's anyone out there who is pouring over my every word about Exercise.
Never-the-less, here I am. I'm trying going to be exercising four times a week, every week in april, and then after that it's all down hill from there. It all becomes habit (after 21 days) or so I've heard.
You know the funny thing is, I'm really starting to get a different view about my life, and I swore to myself that I wouldn't. Not because having a different view is bad, it's just that I didn't think it would happen. I thought I would view exercising the way I always have: with distaste.
But it turns out the only thing I'm looking at with distaste now-a-days is my own body. So I'm taking into account all the health stuff that is drummed into us by all those 'health-nuts' and running with it. I'm going to bed earlier, I'm not drinking soda, I'm not eating anything after seven and I'm working out at LEAST three times a week for thirty minutes.
Before we get too off-hand, let me just say 'Don't you just LOVE that guy in the picture?' I've decided to start motivating myself by visualizing the type of body I want. I want to look like that, and of course I know it will take more than a month, but I want to get on the road to becoming that.
I graduate in early may, and I turn 18 in early may as well. Then I go off and start Jeremie's Awesome Adventure in college, due August. So with all these changes happening, I thought, 'heck, why not change with the times?' and so here I am.
Though I'm not kidding myself. I know it isn't going to be easy. That point was proven to me today by my first work out getting back in the saddle. God it killed me. I wanted to just keel over and throw up, then pass out. Then several hours later regain consciousness, throw up again and then die.
But really, it is time I started being more adult about the things in my life. So far I've coasted through things: My grades, my job, my weight. I've just let all these things slide to a point where, if someone were scrutinizing my life, they would think I didn't care about myself. Not true.
For a while I didn't really care, but we all have those rough patches. I was getting over a bad ''break-up'' to be honest. Which wasn't really a break up because I wasn't in a relationship with the other person, but I was actually in love with someone who didn't return my feelings.
Now I've made a great...RETURN! With homework and play practice and all that in between, I'm fitting in an exercise regime. I must be out of my fxcking mind. No but really, to motivate myself, I'm using the ever popular 'Nike' phrase that got some lucky advertising bastard a million dollar raise (probably) "Just Do It".
I'm going to keep a record of this month, to prove to myself and to others that I can do this. I will no longer be called an ogre, I will no longer be ashamed to take off my shirt at a pool. I will flirt with any outrageously cute guy I want. But most importantly, I will begin to find the beauty in myself.
To conclude, I'm ready for this now. Are you?