Well folks, I've made it. Two days. Not in a row mind you, this is actually day three, but I am only counting the days that I work out. So the title is 'No pain, No gain'.
And let me tell you, I was in a fxck load of pain. I was so sore from exercising that everytime I sat down people gave me the 'I-know-what-you-did-last-night' look. I was embarrased! Such is life, I suppose.
However today, I knew that if I didn't work out then I would be on the track to failure again. In my theory, the first couple of days/weeks are the most important, because if you give up during those times then you have no hope of success. It takes 21 days to form a habit (at least that's what I've read) so if I can just do this for April, then chances are I'll be used to it.
I've been working out to 'Carmen Electra's Strip Aerobics.' Oh I know what you're thinking. "HA. What a work out! NOT." But let me tell you one of my personal philosophies. Don't bash it until you've tried it. There is a disc in her series that has her personal trainer on it, showing you various core exercises. There's a program you can select that says '30 minute total body workout.'
And it means total body workout. It targets each area of your body: legs, glutes, arms, stomach, chest, etc. So even though I was super sore from two days ago, I toughened up and took one for the team.
An interesting thing occured and helped me motivate myself. All I had to do was think of why I was doing this. First I thought of other people, and all the put-downs they had ever said about my weight. That got me fired up! But then I stopped and paused the video. I wasn't going to continue if this was for everyone else. So I refocused. I am doing this for myself, first and foremost. (Showing the others that I can do it, is just the icing on the cake).
I realize how much I am in need to be healthier and how much better my quality of life can be if I would just take care of myself. Not to mention the fact that I will make things easier for myself as I grow older.
It's hard getting back on track after being on the sidelines for so long, but...you know what? I'm proud of myself, and besides. Life is there for us to live, it isn't there for us to observe.
So I've stopped observing.
and I'm beginning to live.
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